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Modern refined flours are mass-produced and easily used; in this pursuit, we have lost many of wheat’s wholesome qualities. Nowadays, grains in general and wheat in particular suffer from a tarnished reputation as people seek adequate nutrition.

Yet wheat has nourished humankind for millennia, and remains a cornerstone in modern food supply and culinary tradition. The whole grain wheat berry contains a wide spectrum of crucial nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins and minerals, proteins and complex carbs. While there are certainly cases where dietary restrictions disallow the consumption of wheat products, we believe that the modern perception of wheat is unfairly based on the limitations of refined white flour, which is stripped of much of wheat’s beneficial components. Many are finding that by turning to alternative wheat sources, they can again enjoy this delicious and versatile grain in their diets.

If you would like to give wheat a second chance in your home, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Think Whole Grain

The vast majority of bakery goods, both commercially and in the home, are made with white flour. White flour is flour that has had the bran and germ removed, taking with them a healthy percentage of the nutrients. This benefits the baker by creating a shelf-stable flour that rises easily and performs consistently. These perks come at the expense of both nutrition and flavor. We certainly don’t want to see the demise of the patisserie, but recognize that there is tremendous value in keeping whole grains relevant in the modern diet. The complex carbs in whole grains provide a much more robust fuel for the body than the quickly-burned simple carbs in white flour, not to mention the rich culinary opportunities. If you are able to source single-type varieties of flour, a whole world of flavor and texture options opens up.

Try Heritage or Ancient Grains

There has never been a better time to source outside-the-box grains like Einkorn or Spelt than the present. For decades now, people have been re-discovering these and other niche grains with delight, and finding both remarkable health benefits and captivating culinary uses. The ancient wheats (einkorn, emmer, spelt, and KAMUT) have been popular choices for those who struggle with gluten sensitivity. Other ancient grains include oats, rye, and barley, all of which offer a unique profile of dietary benefits.

Discover Sprouted Flour

Sprouting unlocks better nutrition in the wheat berry by several means. Phytic acid, which acts as an inhibitor during digestion, is reduced, allowing the body to better absorb vitamins and minerals. The overall vitamin content is increased, and starches are broken down into vegetable sugars. Even the gluten seems to be affected by the process, as many with gluten sensitivities have found success with sprouted flour, even in modern wheats. It also positively influences the flavor, removing much of the bitterness often associated with whole grain flours and neutralizing rancidity-causing oils in the wheat germ.