Got questions? No problem! Hope these help, or you can hit us up here and we’ll email ya.

What is sprouted flour?
- Sprouted flour is simply flour milled from sprouted grain. To do this, the grain is soaked, allowed to germinate, and then dried back down to a shelf stable moisture content. This preserves it and allows it to be milled much like unsprouted grain.
Why go to all the trouble?
- Sprouted foods have been shown by many studies to offer superior nutrition. A grain berry transforms from a starchy storage container into something closer to a vegetable. Vitamin levels increase, anti-nutrient levels decrease, and crucial minerals become more easily accessible to the body. Many people with dietary restrictions have had success with sprouted grains. It is important to note, however, that that exact results may vary from one person to another. If you would like to learn more, there are many resources available, like this one.
Is sprouted flour gluten-free?
- No it is not. All wheats, as well as barley and rye, contain gluten to some extent. Many people with gluten sensitivities have been able to eat sprouted wheats without adverse effects; however, this is a complex issue and we cannot offer any guarantees. If you are gluten intolerant and would like to try sprouted flour, consult your physician.

Can I use sprouted flour just like regular flour?
- Yes, you can substitute sprouted flour for regular flour 1:1, but the taste and texture will be different from white flour. Use a mild flour like hard white or pastry for the most straightforward substitution.
Can I make bread with sprouted flour?
- Sprouted bread can take some practice to perfect, but it is absolutely possible! Here are a few tips:
- Be sure to use a hard wheat. Hard white and Hard red are ideal bread wheats and a great place to start. Spelt and Red Fife are also good performers.
- A great way to start out with sprouted bread is to use a blend of traditional bread flour and sprouted flour; as you become familiar with the behavior of sprouted flour you can transition to fully sprouted loaves.
- A temperature probe can be a great way to check the internal temp of your loaves, look for a target temp of around 195 degrees.
- Sprouted flour absorbs water a bit differently than traditional flours, so don’t be afraid to tweak your liquid ratios a bit, and allow time for the dough to rest.
- Both yeast and sourdough are effective leaveners for sprouted bread, and you can even use both!
- There are many resources available online. Check out our Facebook Discussion Board, it’s a great place to ask questions; or email us directly!
What are good things to make with sprouted flour?
- Muffins, quickbreads, pancakes, waffles, and the like are excellent starting points if you are new to baking with sprouted flour. Check out some of our recipes here on the site, or try sprouted flour in your own favorites!

How do I know what kind of flour I should try?
- Lots of choices right? If you are new to sprouted flour and just want a good all-around flour, we recommend a white wheat like Hard White or Pastry. Those interested in heritage or ancient grains might want to try Einkorn, Spelt, or Emmer. Detailed information, such as flavor qualities and best uses, can be found in each product’s description and profile. You can also check out this blog post, or contact us with your questions and we’ll be happy to help.
What are ancient grains?
- Ancient grains are grains that have remained relatively unchanged for millennia, free from modern hybridization efforts. Spelt, emmer, einkorn, KAMUT, barley, oats, and rye are all considered ancient grains. Red Fife wheat is considered a “heritage wheat”, a similar distinction. They are increasingly prized for their nutritional value and culinary diversity.
What is “white wheat flour”?
- Terminology can be confusing here. Usually “white flour” refers to refined flour which has had the bran and germ removed. Unfortunately this removes much of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber as well. ALL of our flour is whole grain, meaning the entire wheat berry has been ground with nothing removed and nothing added. Hard White and Soft White (or Pastry) flours are still entirely whole grain, but the bran is lighter in color than red wheats due to a lack of tannins, so they have a milder taste. When people talk about “white whole wheat”, this is usually what they are referring to.
Is there a difference between whole grain and whole wheat?
- Different countries vary on regulations, but in the US, whole grain is simply a more general term to include other grains. Any whole wheat flour should also be whole grain.
Why eat whole grain foods?
- There is a vast wealth of research and information available on the health benefits of whole grains. But everyone already knows they’re better for you right? More than that, though, there’s a whole world of variety out there. Opening the door to new, flavorful flours can be an exciting culinary adventure!
What is dehulled barley?
- Barley grain naturally grows with a protective sheath around each kernel. This husk, or hull, is indigestible but easily removed after harvest. Dehulled barley is still completely whole grain, unlike pearl barley, which has had some of the nutritious bran removed.
What is the difference between farro and emmer?
- In Italy, where the word farro originates, it is actually used for three different ancient wheats: einkorn (farro piccolo), emmer (farro medio), and spelt (farro grande). So emmer is technically a specific type of farro, but in the U.S., the terms farro and emmer are generally used interchangeably and refer to the same grain.

Do you products contain glyphosates?
- No, everything we make is certified USDA organic. This means, among other things, that neither glyphosates nor any other synthetic chemicals are used on the crops.
How can I get free shipping and discounts?
- While we understand that no one likes additional shipping costs, sadly we are unable to offer free shipping at this time. We would need to significantly raise our prices in order to compensate those costs, so we have chosen to calculate shipping based on each order instead. We do offer discount codes from time to time, the best way to find out about these would be to follow us on Instagram or Facebook, or sign-up for our e-newsletter.
Do you have any retail locations?
- Yes, some of our products can be found in regional groceries; you can find a list of locations here. We also offer free pickup at our facility in Trout Creek for local customers.
Do you offer wholesale pricing?
- If you are interested in placing a large order, or own a business and would like to carry our products, please contact us and we’d be happy to chat. We offer a 10% bulk discount on product totals of over $500.00; and wholesale pricing is available for business accounts.