Soft White Wheat Berries


Makes a light, fluffy flour with very low gluten; ideal for cookies, biscuits, muffins, cakes, soft breads and more.

All of our grain berries are 100% organic and GMO free. Choose between Sprouted or Natural (unsprouted).


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Grain Profile

Species: Triticum aestivum

Flavor: Delicate, smooth, mellow

Fun fact: Soft white wheat is widely grown here in the Pacific Northwest, with as much a 80% exported through Pacific ports.

Soft white wheat is primarily grown in the beautiful Palouse region of eastern Washington and northern Idaho. It produces a plump, light-colored kernel with comparatively low protein and weak gluten, and is used commercially for enhancing the quality of of a wide range of products. It yields a fine, fluffy flour when milled, ideally suited for the patisserie.

For the home baker, sprouted pastry flour is excellent for the experienced and beginner alike. Its mild flavor and forgiving nature make it a simple replacement for all-purpose flour in many situations; and its tender, consistent crumb is of a quality that is hard to match. Enjoy its melt-in-your-mouth texture in muffins, cakes, scones, biscuits, and pie crusts.

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